Stress is a very common problem during this period, most of the person suffering from psychological stress, as well as depression also. A normal brain system can manage the stress in few hours to few days or some condition within 24 hours. It will depend on the condition.
In normal language, we can say stress is a pressure on our brain it can be physical or may be psychological. The psychological condition can be job loss, Money loss, Favorite things loss or sometimes accidents shock or trauma are may be a reason for stress full condition & stressful full life. If any person goes in this condition then they can be feel stress, sometimes it can be biological or genetic also
Types of Stress According to Stress Psychological Disorder
According to Psychological conditions, stress can define into 2 types which Acute or Severer conditions or normal stress also. That both types of stress can affect the daily life of the person. Stress person can feel the problem of sleep, delusions & not the sometime & person can think about the suicide as well as they can harm self during the stress condition.
Some Symptoms can be shown during the period of stress if any person suffering from stress from some hours to days.
Symptoms of Stress
Acute Stress
- Acute crisis Reaction
- Combat Fatigue
- Psychic shock
Post Traumatic Stress
- Repetitive thought about stress full events
- Night dreams about stress full events
- Feel Fear about stress full events
Is any treatment is available for Stress Disorder?
Yes in the medical term stress disorder treatment is available in the various conditions, in the hospital & doctor clinics also.
Can Psychotherapy help to Reduce Stress or Stress full life?
Yes in the normal condition of stress if a person feels some stress in normal life or they can do not the work the counseling can help to the stress. Lots of counseling techniques and exercises available in the medical term to feel stress-free life that person can normal within few days, it will depend after diagnosing the severity of stress. Clinical psychologists can help to reduce stress with the help of psychotherapy or change the behavior of the person to help a stress-free life.
If any person feels these symptoms from some week or days they can contact the doctor or clinical psychologist & psychologist to stress feel life.